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Date: 6/3/2022
Subject: Utah Chapter of NIGP June Newsletter
From: Utah Chapter of NIGP

In this Issue
President's Message
Summer Chapter Event - Salt Lake Bees Game
Open Positions Available
Members Making History
Calling All Authors!!!


Brooke Smith
Hello, friends!
For the last several months, Tonya Hodges (Past-President) and a committee have been planning one of our largest fundraising events of the year, the 2022 Reverse Trade Show.  The event was on May 19th and was a huge success.  We had 285 vendor representatives and approximately 111 agency attendees from all over the state representing 46 agencies.  Thank you to all those who helped plan the event and to all those who attended and were a part of such an amazing day. We hope you enjoyed meeting the vendors, location, food, keynote speaker, breakout sessions, silent auction, sponsorships, and more! If you haven’t filled out the survey yet but want to give feedback, please let Tonya or I know.  This was our first major conference in three years, and we want future Reverse Trade Shows to continue to grow so any feedback is welcome.

As an update, we were able to raise approximately $50,000 from the event and over $2500 silent auction.  All funds raised will be used for additional educational and scholarship opportunities for the next several years.  Thank you to all the employees who attended and/or donated something for the silent auction. We couldn’t do this without you! And a huge thanks to Tonya and the committee for all their hard work. 
Below are some other things our chapter is working on:
BEE’S GAME:  Our next scheduled chapter event is this summer. We are planning on attending a Bee’s Baseball game on Tuesday, August 9th.  The chapter will buy a ticket for any member who wants to attend. More information will be provided in the next couple of weeks. Please Save the Date and RSVP, if you plan on attending.
SAVE THE DATE: Area 9 is planning a first annual hybrid conference. Please Save The Date, on Tuesday, September 7, and Wednesday, September 8 from 9:30 to 1:30.  The conference will be hybrid and the Utah Chapter will plan on meeting in person, on one of those two days.  If you live or work, near Taylorsville, please plan on attending in person. If you can’t attend in person, we hope you will join us online.

Thanks again for all our incredible chapter members.  Our Chapter is doing some amazing things in continuing education, earning certificates, and supporting each other. I appreciate each one of you for all that you do to make the Utah Chapter incredible!  

Upcoming PEP Seminar
Supply Chain Management
July 21, 2022
8 AM - 4 PM
Taylorsville State Office Building
Bee's Game
August 9, 2022
RSVP Below!
NIGP Forum
August 20-24
Boston, MA
Area 9 Annual Hybrid Conference
September 7-8th
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Taylorsville State Office Building (In person one day only)
Next Hybrid Chapter Meeting
December 1, 2022*
*We had to reschedule our November 17 meeting to December 1 due to a scheduling conflict.
Please update your calendars to Save the Date on December 1. Elections, Awards, and a Luncheon will be available for anyone who attends in person.  

Chapter Members!!! Come join us with other chapter members for a summer night out at a Salt Lake Bees Game on August 9, 2022. The chapter will cover the cost of the game for chapter members. Please R.S.V.P by sending Brooke Smith an email at!

Open Positions Available
Vice President – One Year Term.
The V.P. becomes the president the year following his or her term and Past President the following year.
The vote will take place 30 days after candidates are announced.
Board and committee members play an integral role in developing the vision and direction of the chapter. If you are interested in taking on a more active role in the chapter, building your resume, and developing leadership skills, please take a moment to review the attachment below to learn more about the responsibilities of each position in our chapter bylaws.
The Vice President would be responsible for the remaining 2022 scholarships (1 CPP Exam and 2 NIGP Courses) and assisting the President during the summer Bee’s game, Area 9 Hybrid Conference in September, and Hybrid meeting in November.  Our board meets once a month on the first Wednesday of the month at noon (online and/or in-person).  Serving as a Vice President is a great opportunity to gain leadership skills, meet new friends, and add value and content to your resume.  If interested, please contact me ASAP.  
We have a few candidates who have expressed interest but if you are interested in running, please contact Brooke Smith ( by 5 p.m. on Monday, June 6th!

Teach Learn
An adjunct professor, is a professor who teaches on a limited-term contract, often for one semester at a time, and who is ineligible for tenure. The topic will be similar to an in-depth look into Public Procurement as a Profession and is scheduled for 8 weeks.
Please reach out to Brooke Smith ( if you have any questions including responsibilities and time commitment.

Congratulations to Kimberly Richards and Kenneth Stones for receiving their CPPB!

Announcement: Scholarships Available!!!

Are you interested in taking the NIGP CPP Exam in 2022 or taking NIGP related procurement courses / training? Good news, we have scholarship opportunities for our Chapter Members in these areas. 

  • We have 1 scholarship available to take the NIGP CPP Exam (up to $350). Applications will be accepted and reviewed until the scholarship has been awarded. 
  • We have 2 scholarships available to take NIGP procurement related courses (up to $250 per scholarship). Applications will be accepted and reviewed until both scholarships have been awarded.
See the attached application documents for further details. Stay tuned as additional scholarship opportunities are expected to become available. 
If you have questions about the available scholarship opportunities please contact our Chapter President - Brooke Smith (
2022 NIGP Training Scholarship Application
2022 CPP Exam Scholarship Application
2022 Scholarship Activity Log

PA Times Online
Heads up! The American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) is looking for columnists who can write about a range of subjects for their PA TIMES Online Magazine.
Topics include:

Infrastructure and technology
Emergency management
Energy and the environment
Revitalization of the middle class
Social equity
Impacts of COVID-19
Public finance measures
Procurement and supply chain management
Federalism in the 21st century
Evidence based decision making
Local government administration challenges
The next deadline is a few months away but if you want to get a head start here is some info you need to know:  
  • If selected as a columnist, you must commit to writing six columns.
  • Provide a sample column, for review with application.
  • Samples should be no longer than 1200 words.
  • First-time authors and students are welcome to apply! 
I would love to see some Utah Chapter of NIGP members writing about their Procurement and Supply Chain knowledge for the PA TIMES.  We will publish the next time ASPA is accepting applications and if you are selected as an author, please let us know.  

Are you doing something AWESOME in procurement or life in general? Let us know.  Life is short, we would love to celebrate your success! 
For newsletter submissions, recommendations, or comments, please email 
The views, opinions, and content included in this newsletter are provided as is and do not necessarily reflect the opinion, belief, endorsement, viewpoint, or sponsorship of any procurement unit. No representations are made that the content is error free.